'Shimmering Blue'

⬇ Click the following image to listen to my new song ⬇

Happy October!

Can you believe it’s already October? I certainly cannot. This year has been a hard one but it’s going quickly and we’ll be in 2021 before we know it.

This month’s song that I am releasing onto Bandcamp is called ‘Shimmering Blue’ and holds a special place in my heart. The song was written while I was imagining the amazing place that is the ocean. Its creatures, big and small, colourful coral and plants all create an ecosystem essential for everything around the world, including human survival.

‘Shimmering Blue’ tells the story of two opposite people who come together because of the ocean, exploring it’s beauty.

The song was co-produced by myself and Daine Spowart who is an incredible musician. He is part of the duo The Sleeves with Felicia, another friend of mine. Daine engineered the track as well as adding an awesome drum track.

I’m so excited to release this song to the world and to all of you and I hope it will remind you of the beach and of the ocean. For those in Victoria, we’ll get back there soon!


You can buy ‘Shimmering Blue’ from Bandcamp for $2 here: https://sadiemustoe.bandcamp.com/track/shimmering-blue-single

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Sadie Mustoe