'More' on Triple J Unearthed



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It’s a different kind of news today…

I am so excited to introduce you to ‘More’!

This song has been a four month process and a lot of hard work but it’s finished and I cannot wait to share it with you and the rest of the world.

Triple J Unearthed has an annual competition for Australian High School students called ‘Unearthed High’ and I am crossing fingers for this year! The deadline is this coming Monday, the 24th and it would be amazing if you could leave a review following the steps above : ).

I chose this song for my next single because it’s naturally versatile. I have already enjoyed experimenting with it in different styles and compositions on stage and so I am thrilled so see it yet again in another way.

On this project, I’ve worked with the immensely talented David Carr of Rangemaster who has helped me build my new pop-classical style. Something that I am very excited about is the fact that we’ve included my violin playing to create the new sound I was looking for. We invited Michael Ingvarson of BABBA to play synth and his collaboration has definitely given it the edge I’ve been looking for. 

I would be incredibly grateful if you had a listen and left a review on Triple J Unearthed, following the links above. And share it with your friends!

Thank you so much for your support.


Sadie Mustoe