Listen to my new song 'Please'!

⬇ Click the following image to listen to my new song ⬇

And…. we’re back! How are you all?

I have been inactive over the past few months due to school exams, but let me fill you in on what’s happened since I was last in touch.

Since October I finished Year 11 exams, turned 17, procrastinated by writing lots of songs and started panicking about Year 12 next year. Eek!

Last month I was incredibly honoured to receive the Alex Legg Memorial Award Scholarship which will allow me to produce more music in 2021. And speaking of more music I have announcements coming soon about another single as well as upcoming gigs now that we can actually be in the same room : )

But for this month’s release, the song is called ‘Please’. It is about how friendship and relationships with other people are continuously changing for better and for worse. I am incredibly proud of this song and am very excited for you to hear this demo recording of it.I’ve also attached a video of myself singing it which was shortlisted for the Queenscliff Music Festival Foot-In-The-Door competition earlier in the year.



You can buy ‘Please’ from Bandcamp for $2 here:

🛒 GET EVERY MONTHLY TRACK FOR ONLY $1 a month! (And support me as a Patron)

You can support me in the long run on Patreon for $1 a month and get a free MP3 of a new song every month:

Sadie Mustoe