5 more days before Winter Solstice!

There are five more days until Jade and I take to the stage for our Winter Solstice night of live music to all ages!

Buy tickets here:



I cannot wait to show Melbourne audiences my EP for the first time and play with Hannah Schmidli, Blakely McLean-Davies, Bailey Judd and Harvey Constable as a band for the second time for all of you. Below is a little clip of our first rehearsal of a song called ‘Wondering Why’.

Be prepared for a chance for you no matter your age to see some live music and enjoy hot chocolate, marshmallows, mulled wine and finger food to warm your hearts on the shortest day of the year.

As well as seeing me and my band take to the stage, you will also hear the honey toned layers and lush vocal harmonies of Jade Alice.


Jade Toff Square Close.jpeg

Come join us and have a fun night with your friends and family. See you all there at 7:30 in Albert Park Port Lounge!



Sadie Mustoe